Sunday, October 2, 2016

Nature vs. Nurture (Prompt 6)

      The debate on Nature vs. Nurture has been around since the beginning of the field of Psychology. Who you are is it because of the place you were born and the people who raised you or is it just nature just the way you were supposed to be. Many psychologist have had a range of ideas and theories pertaining to this subject. In this you tube video The Debate on Psychology Development they give very good examples of the effects of both nature and nurture. Like with the girl Genie who was isolated from the world until age 13. She had the body of a 6 year old and couldn't speak. This tragic case shows the resulting effect of nurture and what it can really do to person's development.

    They also gave good examples on the nature side of the debate using the twin studies. The twin studies have gave psychologist so many answers and paved the way to many psychological cast studies its simply profound. In the video they gave examples of many identical twins separated at birth but being very much similar when reunited again. One set of twins wives even have the same name, their dog's have the same name, and they both divorced a woman named Linda.

In my Psychology 101 lecture we learned about all the things presented in the video. Though all good examples and the argument was quite precise they left a fatal flaw at the conclusion of the video. They said that the debate may never be over . However Professor Hambrick has told us that the debate is indeed over. The winner is neither. Both nature and nurture play a huge role in development and who we grow up to be. So the debate is over there is no more nature vs. nurture only nature and nurture.


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