- Don't just go with your gut.
- They compare it to a doctors vist; the doctor is expected to have the patients best interest at heart. With voting, we are expected to have each others best interests at heart as well. When we vote, it's not just for us but for our community, state, and yes, our country.
- Don't get all your news from social media
- When it comes to social media, we tend to block those who aren't in complete agreement with us. Because we do that, we don't get a chance to expand on the important questions or challenge them. It's recommended that we get information from all different sources and try and challenge our original thoughts.
- Watch the debate with your eyes closed
- Unknowingly, we judge our male and female candiates on something as simple as facial expressions. Also, we tend to agree with those that are more visually appealing so we should watch the debate with our eyes closed so we chose based off of their words and not their appearances.
- Know when to abstain
- Americans are often naive or ignorant when it comes to really understanding trends of the economy, crime rates, etc. So it's important to know when casting a vote is truly necessary to the greater good. It compares a bad vote to air pollution, when it's just one person polluting the air then it's not such a bad thing, but when everyone is doing it then it makes a bigger difference.
Gold, Sunny Sea. "4 Ways to Be a Better
Voter." Scientific American. N.p., 02 Aug. 2016. Web. 02 Oct. 2016.
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